The Returning Visitor
Sometimes an odd realization befalls you. You are suddenly aware that you keep meeting the same person again and again but in various forms and shapes. This same person enters your life in more or less the same way, the story develops more or less the same as well and it always ends, no matter what you do or how much you think you have improved on your approach from the previous times, the story still ends the same way and with the same painful fall you have experienced already many times before. In spirituality it is said that this returning visitor whether it is a man, a woman or a situation keeps coming again and again to your life to awaken you, that the main reason for this repeated same story again and again is to teach you a lesson and it will continue to happen until you learn your lesson, until you change and only then the returning visitor will change too. This simple and intuitive spiritual principle downed on me after a painful breakup. I found a poem I wrote years bef...