Lessons From Within

Peace comes from within, it is your personal peace, your inner peace, your very own brand of peace and it is impossible to gain it from without. This connection with your deepest meaning, with who you truly are with full acceptance is your own brand of peace. Do not expect it to come to you from the world around you, from someone else, from your grue if you have one or from any possessions, toys or circumstances.

Your journey is your journey, no one will understand it and no one will cheer you up nor you need that. Those who may get it are probably those who were on the same path before you. Do not expect that your way is known, it is a very personal journey, all life journeys are deeply personal, you are very much on your own regardless if you know it or not.

Find the path that makes you happy, the life that resonates with your deepest needs. It is hard for some of us because we built structures that include others and their expectations. The influence of this image that we want to uphold to others, this ego reflection is one of the biggest hindrance in our journey towards true freedom.

Finding peace is the quest of those who suffered and were aware of their suffering in this life. Finding peace is the ultimate prize, the ultimate goal of a good life, a meaningful life. If we are rich, accomplished, praised, but we have no peace then what is truly the point of it all.

Many of us live in perpetual state of anxiety. People seek drugs to calm this sense of apprehension instead of seeking to understand the deep underlying reasons behind it. Calming the symptoms do not erase the cause. There is a reason why we feel what we feel, why we suffer what we suffer. Mostly because we are not in alignment with our truth.

What does it mean to be in alignment with out truth? One's truth is the purpose of their life. Only when we align with this purpose we will feel at ease, at peace. When we find joy and peace then we are in alignment with all that matters within.

Nothing in life, no material gain, no ego tool can basically substitute that true inner peace you find within when you are in true alignment with what is true and deep within you.

When you find peace, you know you have arrived.


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