
Showing posts from June, 2013

The Divine in thee

I have a vision that cometh to me I see in thee and in yours I love thee I feel the presence divine and pure Light and love last and endure I am the weak flesh and I seek in thee That divine love he bringeth to me Let me hold thy absent hand and place a kiss That is of love, of prayer and a wish for bless Of devotion that has no reason or mind In wonder and peace for the divine is kind I pray to bring thee joy in haste   And that love not sin nor lost in waste I melt in the fire and I writhe in pain My agony is sweet for it is not in vain   For love is not for the flesh or for the sight For love is for the soul and for the heart Written in May, 2013

On being kind

Kind acts are a reward to oneself. Once a friend told me a smile at a random stranger is an act of charity. It is amazing how this simple act can be viewed in so many ways and can be considered in some instances as offensive or even threatening. Our kind acts and gestures can be viewed by others through their own eyes and minds. They may not see why we are doing them, they may doubt our motives and they may repay us with distrust and distancing themselves from us but if we are doing what we do for nothing but the love we gain into ourselves through the compassion and divine love within us, then why should we care for what they think?! Love is a gift in itself... Love is a gift to oneself. When we love and spread acts of kindness we actually bring the love within us to ourselves and we feel the compassion dwelling within us filling us with secure warm and accepting feelings. We start accepting ourselves and loving ourselves more and more. We do not become less with love. W...

Love and love shall reward you

Love yourself by providing selfless acts of kindness to others. You do not need to love to have a reward or to gain something out of love. You do not act in love and kindness for more than what love and kindness can give you in themselves, that is more self love and acceptance. The mercy and compassion of he divine dwells within us and awaken when we give. A kind word, a remembrance of a kind occurrence, a smile, a human kind gesture of any sort is love. When we give it freely expecting nothing it is returned to us and we are rewarded even without the other person ever knows it. Love only brings love and joy.

The nature of a happy union

You can not give anyone anything and no one can give you anything more or less than what is in you for yourself or what is in them for themselves. The best relationships happen when you can find someone that you are happy with yourself around. Simply being who you are, relaxed, accepted, satisfied. Someone who can love themselves more around you while you love yourself more around them.

The road to the truth

The road to the truth can not be narrow, it has to be wide, it can not be obscure it has to be clear, it can not be one, it has to be many, it can not confine to one culture and one place and one language, it has to be universal, it can not be complicated that it requires special learning and high intelligence it has to be simple, it can not be hard on the sick or the weak or the poor or the unabl e, it has to be accessible and free.  If the truth is about love then love breeds mercy and mercy breeds ease and ease breeds accessibility and accessibility breeds universality. There is one million paths to one single destination and it is one and it is so clear that not a single open soul that search for it will miss it.

"Wake Up" by Jonas Elrod

One day this average Joe woke up and found out he could see the beyond. He went on a journey of scientific and spiritual investigation. I have no commentary or endorsement here. I heard similar accounts some of people I knew well and I know it can happen. Whether it happened to him or not is not to my knowledge. The documentary may disgust you or inspire you. You may see it as a smart business move or an amazing awakening story. I place it here because it stimulate thinking and questioning and for that it worth inclusion. Click here to reach the filmmaker page

"Astral City: A spiritual Journey", a film for the awakening of the soul

Please click here for the page on Amazon.

"And Life Goes on" a book that may change your views on life

"And Life Goes On" By Francisco Xavier is a wonderful book about a human story, suffering, forgiveness and redemption. It may change your views on the world and soften your heart or it maybe just a great reading to enjoy. Please click here for the book page on Amazon.

Arrogance is the biggest obstacle

In "Astral City: A  spiritual   Journey " by Francisco Xavier the physician who was successful and so knowledgeable on Earth was told he can not serve as a healer in the city because he was not ready yet and was given a mop to clean the floor instead in the "healing center". He was offended at first but with time he realized that one needs to be humbled before he can be ready to heal. Arrogance is a huge barrier to spiritual understanding an d the only way to break it and break the self or ego is to serve and be humbled in service. It is easy to read and listen and write. It is easy to be when being is smooth and not rough. Only hard service can bring the soul to where it needs to be. When we observe and live with suffering we understand the value of safety, health, kindness, and abundance and our arrogance become dimmer and dimmer. One can serve with what they can and what they know. Serve with your work and time and not just with your earned money. It is a spirit...

How to know it is the truth

How do you know it is the truth? The truth feels like coming back home, it is familiar, it sounds and feels simple, it makes the heart rest and exhale. We all know the truth and we know it intimately, that is why we feel when we hear it and learn it "again" that it is quite familiar, like a puzzle completing its last piece and showing at last the full picture it hid before in its disparate pieces.

The word "Fair" in business

I have a real concern for the word "fair" as just and honest. I once was in a discussion with a "business leader" of a worldly caliber about business dealings and he said "business is not about fairness, it is about winning". It lingered in my mind for years. I am worried about a world where business is no longer about fair dealings but about winning. No wonder countries wage wars to further large ...  business interests in this world. If business is about winning and not fair dealings then it will find ways to justify children's blood for natural resources or and there is no end where that will go. Illusions divide us. We have plenty but we are deluded to see it a little, we are all rich but we are deluded to see ourselves poor, we have it all, but we are deluded to see it in another's hands and the only way to have it is to force our hand to get it. Illusions divide us.

Making happiness hard

Do not equate your happiness with things that are too hard to obtain or keep. You are making your happiness hard to have and keep. Life is not about working for work or even working for money. Life is about living and giving and loving and being and creating and finding joy in the simplest things that we pass without even noticing. Just remember one thing, we are all going to die and that is 100% certain so whatever we do, and how much we will gather in our accounts, we will not take with us, only the account of love and joy will last forever. The death wagon only takes that type of luggage, the luggage that is within the soul and imprinted on the soul.

The illusion of divide

We live in a world that is rich in so many material ways, but poor in the most important thing we all need, that is love and kindness. When a stranger bestows kindness I have tears in my eyes for how rare it is. I had many occurrences of kindness while being here from strangers to me who expected and asked for nothing and to me this is the richest thing one could ever have or ask for and the one thing we need more of in this world inflated with the material and lacking so much in the expression of the spiritual. We have enough to feed us all on this planet, enough knowledge and resources to cure the sick, enough resources for energy for every corner of Earth and enough shelter. We created borders and nationalities and many more barriers of pure illusions to divide us and with that the riches of the Earth. If love and kindness were in abundance, we would have found the pure amazing joy of giving and receiving and there is no loss, no loss at all for we all will be richer, safer, happie...

The best things in life are free

The best things in life are free. Breathing is free, water after prolonged thirst is free, the amazing sky, green or sandy desert views are free, a smile and a hug is free, a good book is free, a good music is free, waking is free, jumping is free, laughter is free, love is free, a child smile is free, the sea is free, the mountain climb is free, our imagination and its amazing journeys is free. The list of free things is endless, but we still worry and work for what is paid. Isn't that weird?!