The illusion of divide

We live in a world that is rich in so many material ways, but poor in the most important thing we all need, that is love and kindness. When a stranger bestows kindness I have tears in my eyes for how rare it is. I had many occurrences of kindness while being here from strangers to me who expected and asked for nothing and to me this is the richest thing one could ever have or ask for and the one thing we need more of in this world inflated with the material and lacking so much in the expression of the spiritual. We have enough to feed us all on this planet, enough knowledge and resources to cure the sick, enough resources for energy for every corner of Earth and enough shelter. We created borders and nationalities and many more barriers of pure illusions to divide us and with that the riches of the Earth. If love and kindness were in abundance, we would have found the pure amazing joy of giving and receiving and there is no loss, no loss at all for we all will be richer, safer, happier and far more content. Illusions and only illusions divide us.


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