The word "Fair" in business

  1. I have a real concern for the word "fair" as just and honest. I once was in a discussion with a "business leader" of a worldly caliber about business dealings and he said "business is not about fairness, it is about winning". It lingered in my mind for years. I am worried about a world where business is no longer about fair dealings but about winning. No wonder countries wage wars to further large... business interests in this world. If business is about winning and not fair dealings then it will find ways to justify children's blood for natural resources or and there is no end where that will go. Illusions divide us. We have plenty but we are deluded to see it a little, we are all rich but we are deluded to see ourselves poor, we have it all, but we are deluded to see it in another's hands and the only way to have it is to force our hand to get it. Illusions divide us.


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