Love is abundant, we claim it is rare. We do because we miss what is love. Love is compassion and compassion never hurts. Compassion is the joy that we miss when we look where love does not exist.
Romantic love as a construct of the ego
Love is love. The essence of love is the same and one. The difference between this love and that love is a creation of the ego. Romantic love is an ego construct with projections of the self. Therefore, it is the least possibly lasting love. In truth, it is by definition a none lasting construct since all ego creations are form creations and form creations are transit by nature, changeable by nature and cannot be lasting. Before going farther, let me explain that when we hear about lasting relationships that are romantic in nature we overlook one of two possibilities; one is that the relationship has a strong spiritual or soul component that supports as a strong foundation a romantic thin construct, the second is that the it is something that exists in the imagination as in art form. If we recall that ego constructs are pure illusions, a projection not a reality, we will understand that in romantic love we do not see the other person at all, we see the projection. If one is n...
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