From my book "When Love Speaks: An Unusual Conversation of Love" on the meaning of love.

What are you, what is love?
 I am the light of the divine within you. I am the reason you exist and the reason you experience this glorious gift which is called life. I am one fabric, yet I can be created into many shapes and have so many expressions but I am one and the same.
I am joy and I am the light and I am life. I am a force that has no like or similarity. I am the sea that gives and gives and cannot be held by a dam. Accept me and accept who I am so you can have me as a true joyful existence in your life.
What makes love happen? How can you come into our existence?
I am the life in this world and therefore I exist already in your life. It is you who sometimes miss my presence. Your awareness sometimes fails to see me within you and in your own life. When you are aware of my existence I flow from within you like a light shining and the light is seen by the whole universe, acknowledged and the universe rejoice with you.
Why does it seem like we can love some and not others if you are such a universal force?
Love does not discriminate and it is not exclusive. Yet for love to exist, you tend to feel it with those that reflect your own light of love back to you. Those tend to have the clearest mirrors among all those you meet and know therefore you feel love the best around them. They help you to realize the love that already exists in life and within you. They do not create what does not already exist but they help to bring it to your awareness. Remember I said I am already there and I am life itself but your awareness sometimes miss my presence.
Are you saying when we love, we are actually loving the other as a mirror or a projection screen of our love? Does that mean you do not love the other but your love of them?
When you love, you tend to express love. You experience love flowing from within like a river that cannot be held back. If the other brings love from within you to your awareness through their affinity and kindness and through their acceptance then you tend to allow my essence to flow free and only then you can see me bright as the sun mid-day.
The safer that is the more forgiven and accepted by the other the more you allow that soul of love to fill your life. This is how the other becomes your mirror of love. You do not love the other as a form but you love the love that is the true essence of the other.
Do you mean that the other is love itself and that helps me to recognize the love within me?
Yes, that is exactly what I mean. You have love and you are full of love simply because I am life itself and you are alive, aren’t you? You are all rich with love because a human being is only alive and animated through the force of love, the world exists because of love and the universe comes to be because of love. Yet, you think that love comes from a source outside yourselves. You become sad and you despair when you lose the subject of love. In truth, you do not lose love, you only lose the awareness of love, you lose the clarity that love is already there existing as the essence of all life and all forms and therefore it can never be lost. Anger, hurt, self-loathing all can cloud that awareness of my presence but I exist and will always be.
Why it then people sometimes reject to be loved, reject love?

You never reject love, you reject a joint experience of life and all it entails but love is not what is rejected. Just remember, when you love and seek nothing from the other your love will be accepted and you still enjoy the love you feel as long as it is not tied to conditions, wants or needs, we will talk about that more later.


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