Poverty of the rich

We all come from poverty when it comes to love. We all want something, need something, we do not come from richness, abundance, content, we come from “I want, I need, I expect”. It is so sad and so not right when we are all in truth very rich with love.

We turn our back to the largest and most abundant source of love within us, we are blind to this rich, giving, none holding and loving source that is always available, always open, always there, always generous with love and we act surprised, shocked and disappointed when all other so called “sources” of love turn us down sooner or later, when their “ability” to love and nourish dries up, we seem at odd with reality thinking that what is momentary is permanent and therefore the suffering we go inevitably through is none expected.

What is more is that when we face the inevitable and that “love” turns to be not up to our lofty dreams and expectations we start to become upset, angry and we resolute to complaining or to manipulating. Manipulation is an aggressive none loving act, it is not loving, it cannot produce love in another, yet we cannot help it.

If after we tried everything we can and waited long enough, we resolute to a more aggressive act, we simply “drop” and “end” that “love” and walk away. Love, true love cannot end, it does not have an expiry date, it does not require conjuring, demanding, asking for or any aggressive or smart tactics to “earn” it or to “have” it. Love seeks to give, to provide, to hold and protect, it seeks to be and to exist. Love finds its true joy in being, in giving, it does not play games, manipulate, dry up, hurt, demand, or anything of the sort. True love is like a river, it does not mind who drinks from it, who cleans their clothes in it, who throw even their dirt and garbage in it, it takes it all and sweeps it away within its currents and remains pure and giving.

True love is mighty and complete and joyful and calm and peaceful and persistent and constant and everlasting. If we know that then we realize it cannot be of this world of temporaries and temporal.

It cannot be part of the outer, of the façade of the time based realities, it cannot be part of the human game of looking for the better or the show or the competition. Love brings perfection to that which cannot be perfect, it brings the beauty of all universes to that which is mundane and simple and not beautiful by this world standards. Love is so tender it knows nothing about how to inflect hurt or pain on another. The hands of love are made of silk and air and they know only the tender touch of healing and acceptance.

True love can only originates from beyond the temporal and in many ways it requires no one else to exist in order to feel it, to have it, to enjoy it and to live it. Just allow it to be and it will be.


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