The child within us and love

·         There are children within us. The child has not grown up yet. The child still cries for attention within our hearts.  The child is demanding, asking, conjuring and begging for love. The child, like any child, tries to get that love with tantrums, sometimes creating huge noise, sometimes  even breaking things, including hurting us and breaking our hearts. 

      The child wants us to see him or her, to see that child curled in, that child full of fear and hurt of rejection, the child that is behind the older face of a man or a woman, the child that pretends it needs no one and does not want or seek love, that hurting child that hopes and hopes to be understood and loved without playing games, without asking for so many things and without applying complex selfish rules and limitations. The problem is that child is also dealing with the child within you, the child within the lover, the other child that is also screaming and demanding, the other child that is fearful and hurting. 

      Two children both screaming and wanting and demanding and hurting cannot hear each other, cannot take care of each other and cannot provide that love, that stable kind, none demanding none selfish love to each other. Is there a solution to this human dilemma? Yes, if both stop, turn within; looking at that rich source of love that we all have like a river in our souls, in the depth of our hearts, knowing we do not lack love, we have it always within us and with us. The fear of losing love, of abandonment will disappear. Love is not about him or her, not about the other, love is a divine right we have within us always and we reflect, project on another human being asking that human for what this temporal world makes so difficult to experience.  The only escape is to give from that river, to expect nothing and to cave back to the rich source of love within. 

      When we do not need we cannot lack, when we do not ask we cannot be denied, when we do not want we cannot be rejected.  When we are rich and be rich and act rich with love, with that none ending none withholding everlasting love, we cannot feel or be poor begging for love where love, true love does not exist.


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