Showing posts from 2013
How to Use Non-Identification with Form to Dissolve the Ego Self - Eckha...
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Love the divine in the form
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True love is to love that is from God and that is love in the form. If we love a form is because he channels this divine love better than another but all do and all are the same. We love the divine in his creation and we are loved by the divine through his creations. This love is not egoic and it does not produce suffering or hurt because it does not get addicted or attached to the form. When we are in the love of the divine we are not lacking as we are in joy and love and in no need in the form love, the egoic love, nor we can respond to it. This love, when it is expressed in the form it takes all the usual expressions of the form but it is spiritual in essence though may present itself in various ways. Love is love, its essence the same and one.
The formless, the nameless
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Oh, who is in the stillness whom I perceive without perception whom all form collapsed before the nameless contained in no name that no form can contain the all and the all within the presence, the life, the truth remove the blind, oh seeker let the illusion dissolve see that which was always there that which you know, oh, too well
On stillness
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We know that our minds are our torturers. It is the reason humans used all sorts of drugs to numb the mind. The mind creates negative emotions through negative reasoning, perception and imagination (thoughts). There is a simpler way for the pain produced by thoughts to be cleared, it is to discipline the mind, to tone it like we work to tone our bodies. To gain the ability to "shut the chatter up" in one's head so he or she can experience the peace and clarity of stillness, of a peaceful being. Once we realize that we have the power to "switch off' the emotional irritation or pain, then we are liberated. Try focusing on your breathing even for one minute every hour or two and see the difference of "not thinking" even for that short period of time.
On the perception of love
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If we perceive of everything around us, everything people say or do from a loving point of view, how the world will look or feel? Is that what Rumi meant? Love is the fabric of Universe and the light and the source and it is us as well if we only allow it to be and accept our true nature behind the veil.
On happiness and acceptance
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Happiness is to accept what it is. When we do we become one with the flow of reality and of life. We do this through becoming present, through the realization there is no self but there is a flow and in this flow we exist in a single moment at a time and as such we have the ability to shift and move with that moment. Everything else is an illusion, a construct of the mind.
The mind construct and happiness
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Here is the simplest truth of all relationships and it is the most overlooked. No one is really out there; everyone is just a prop in our life story. There is no way we can know a person truly the way we relate to the world, ourselves and them right now, so we construct people and we relate to them through our own construct or illusion. If people acted in a way inconsistent with our construct they are threatening our false self and we need either to control them or to discard them. Since people are not the construct we made them to be in our minds, they do often deviate from the artificial construct and act themselves so we often have struggles, conflict and we ‘fail in our relationships. We hear ourselves saying things like “I truly did not know who she was” or “he lied to me, he is not the man I knew” while these statements seem quite familiar to us and reasonable, the truth we never accept people as they are, we never actually look at them as humans who are changeable, de...
On happiness and love and living now
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Here is a simple epiphany. Women and men go around looking for love and happiness in another person. The truth is happiness is not about anyone else, it comes from within, from the way we perceive the world, from "our story" the one we construct about ourselves and everyone around us. If we realize this magical river that carries us and we only exist at this part of it, this single moment, not the one before nor the one after because both do not really exist except in our minds. If we understand that we will start exhausting joy, calm and peace. This is a great magnate of the whole universe. A universe that is impoverished to that eternity within you, around you, because you are already in heaven. This happiness that is already within you and exuding from you will attract likewise vibrations and more and more happiness will be attracted to you. People are not attracted to a certain look or wealth or anything outside of you. The only reason people seek these outer ...
A letter from Heaven
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What if your true happiness is not conditioned on anything? Not on a career you want to achieve, a study to finish, a person to be with, a place to be at or a certain amount of money in the bank? What if your happiness can be achieved by learning a simple method, that you can practice anywhere and any time at no cost to you, not even the cost of time?! I discovered this after working on myself for only ten days. I decided I had nothing to lose after my pattern of thinking caused me and others so much pain. I was already tired of myself, of the hurt I felt and of the hurt I inflected. I decided something needed to change. One day, I came home from watching the movie "Elysium" and while checking for the trailer I discovered a piece of music called "Awakening" by Jo Blankenburg, a composer for motion pictures I have never heard of before. I listened and his music took me to a sleep that I never experienced since I was a child. I slept and woke up at 5:30am. ...
Let go and live in the now
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I have been working with Eckhart Tolle's method for a while now. Tolle's method is simple; stay here and now and keep all your thoughts here and now and about this specific moment. Look around you and enjoy the moment, every moment. I want to illustrate by using a real life example. Not only I am experiencing a new way to exist, I am at awe and loss why I never knew about this "heaven" before?! Why people do not know about this instinctively?! Why we use our minds to torture ourselves everyday when we have a real paradise available to us so easily to tap on? What I experienced is simply the calmest most amazing sense of being where everything around you is suddenly much more beautiful than you ever thought, you just never noticed because you were hiding in your head. let us start from this, here is an amazing discovery; reality does not exist in the past or the future including the moment that just passed or the one that is coming next. Reality only exits in ...
On seeing without eyes
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We come to this life blind, not just as newborns who cannot see well but also as humans who have a blindfold called the ego, the form and all the illusions attached to it. It is our spiritual challenge and task to see with that blindfold on our eyes by finding the true light within so we never need anymore to see with those eyes.
Romantic love as a construct of the ego
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Love is love. The essence of love is the same and one. The difference between this love and that love is a creation of the ego. Romantic love is an ego construct with projections of the self. Therefore, it is the least possibly lasting love. In truth, it is by definition a none lasting construct since all ego creations are form creations and form creations are transit by nature, changeable by nature and cannot be lasting. Before going farther, let me explain that when we hear about lasting relationships that are romantic in nature we overlook one of two possibilities; one is that the relationship has a strong spiritual or soul component that supports as a strong foundation a romantic thin construct, the second is that the it is something that exists in the imagination as in art form. If we recall that ego constructs are pure illusions, a projection not a reality, we will understand that in romantic love we do not see the other person at all, we see the projection. If one is n...