Here is the simplest truth of all relationships and it is the most overlooked. No one is really out there; everyone is just a prop in our life story. There is no way we can know a person truly the way we relate to the world, ourselves and them right now, so we construct people and we relate to them through our own construct or illusion. If people acted in a way inconsistent with our construct they are threatening our false self and we need either to control them or to discard them. Since people are not the construct we made them to be in our minds, they do often deviate from the artificial construct and act themselves so we often have struggles, conflict and we ‘fail in our relationships. We hear ourselves saying things like “I truly did not know who she was” or “he lied to me, he is not the man I knew” while these statements seem quite familiar to us and reasonable, the truth we never accept people as they are, we never actually look at them as humans who are changeable, de...