Let go and live in the now

I have been working with Eckhart Tolle's method for a while now. Tolle's method is simple; stay here and now and keep all your thoughts here and now and about this specific moment. Look around you and enjoy the moment, every moment.

 I want to illustrate by using a real life example. Not only I am experiencing a new way to exist, I am at awe and loss why I never knew about this "heaven" before?! Why people do not know about this instinctively?! Why we use our minds to torture ourselves everyday when we have a real paradise available to us so easily to tap on? What I experienced is simply the calmest most amazing sense of being where everything around you is suddenly much more beautiful than you ever thought, you just never noticed because you were hiding in your head.

let us start from this, here is an amazing discovery; reality does not exist in the past or the future including the moment that just passed or the one that is coming next. Reality only exits in the now. I experienced the calmest most zen drive to finish some errands by keeping my total focus on my surroundings and my breathing (I saw many things as if I were seeing them for the first time, everything looked much alive).

 I was so peaceful and calm when a thought intruded on me and right away I noticed (when your mind is quite a thought is a lot of noise), I noticed the thought and recognized the pattern of a negative thinking, I let it go and my mind went back to its quite state. I was changing my car oil, when I went in the waiting area in the station there was a lady speaking over the phone loudly. I tried to ignore what she was saying and not qualify it or label it. My mind still went to the label "She was gossiping" my mind said and I noticed the label right away and dropped it. The negative feeling disappeared, the feeling of judging someone (notice the ego is constantly trying to label in order to feel superior or inferior to others, if she gossips and I do not then I am better, the ego would say).

I went back, a thought intruded and again I noticed it is about the future, so I let it go without following its trail or qualifying it. I was back on time for an appointment I forgot but seemingly my subconscious was aware of it.

If you calm your mind you can have more space for what matters, sense what is the best course of action and never allow anything to bother you, not for more than five seconds anyway, if it is about anything that you cannot do anything about it NOW, just let it go. 


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