Be happy as one

Many of us believe deeply that to be happy, they need to have this person, or "the one"! I saw my dear friend today happy because she has this person whom she likes in her life. It is human to feel like that. It took me a long time and lots of hurt and leaning to arrive at this simple conclusion; if we base our happiness on someone else then we are putting a huge burden on them that they will never be able to live up to. 

Anyone who will be with us no matter how idealistic we will think of them, will make mistakes, hurt us sometimes, become angry sometimes, selfish sometimes and so on. They are human. Create your own full, whole being and life. Work on yourself where you feel happy and at peace on your own. 

Watch the ego and its demands, expectations, worries and leaping to the future to create fear of abandonment or falling back in the past where it project from painful experiences. The only real time that exist is now, so stay in it. Enjoy it with or without anyone. Be happy from within. 

Meditate (it is magical and I discovered it of very recent and it changed me so fast and so radically), do some activity outdoor that brings joy to your heart, that you love and enjoy. Be in stillness, listen to positive music and read or listen to books of spiritual truth and beauty. Hang out with positive people with positive energy. 

Watch your reactions after being with them and eliminate any ego based negativity, do not leave it lingering. Be your own healer and be whole and then you will feel something very magical, you need no one to be happy, you can be with anyone and be detached and compassionate in the same time and no one can hurt you or that you would feel worried of losing them.


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