Happiness made difficult

Here are things people do to prevent themselves from being happy: seeking to accumulate material wealth on the expense of their time, health, and relationships, and for amounts they will never ever need. Creating impossible standards or goals and punishing themselves if they fail to reach them.

 Creating criteria for life mates that have no usefulness in their true happiness and mostly meant to satisfy others outside of themselves or to create envy. Equating happiness with stuff rather than inner peace and content. Striving to be busy, well known or in demand to find out they are losing their freedom and sense of self. Hanging out with people all the time and finding it difficult to simply be with themselves and feel good still because someone said being a recluse is a weird thing. 

Finally, seeking the approval of others (and yes, that include everyone, even siblings, friends, spouses, your parents and whoever) on the expense of their true values and true selves. Failing to open to experiences and love because of fear of being hurt, guess what? You will survive, fall again and stand up and fall yet once more and every-time you will feel more alive than ever (which may actually repeat itself, mind you) and one day you will arrive there and be happy for life, but only if you tried and took the risk in the first place.


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