
Spiritual awakening can happen over night. You can just feel it and leap. Once you did you are filled with peace, and a calm joy. You will feel as if everything makes sense and you will suddenly have this clarity about why people do or say something and you will have no reaction to it. 

You are not just observing others in a detached form but you are doing this to yourself. You are watching your reactions, your feelings and your words as if it were someone's else and you can stop that someone else from dragging you to negativity. You would want to stay in this balanced state forever and nothing would be more fulfilling, nothing. Meditate, meditate, meditate. Nothing will bring there better than this and the stillness within it creates that open you to the soul where peace and quite exists. 

I also noticed your other questions including work, business and other will be worked at somehow by the time your out of your "zen" state as if some higher mind was working on them for you and providing the best answers.


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