Accepting love

Anything that separates us from love is an illusion. 

Fear is an illusion, control is an illusion, hurt is an illusion, loss is an illusion, doubt is an illusion. 

All separation of love that is within you or without you is an illusion. 

Accept love.

How do we accept love?

We accept love by not denying it access to our own love. When love comes to us, to our souls, our souls that are made of love, pure love, responds back with love.

When we deny the love within us, we reject love, we are not accepting love.

Have we ever stopped to think that all diseases even those that have causative known agents are the product of lack of love, self love included. Those who separates themselves from love, even from embracing themselves with care usually end up having so much suffering in this life.

Giving love and accepting it is a powerful medication. Even aging, the ultimate disease that lead us to the exit of this life in my belief stems from separation from love. Love, is a vital powerful force of life, in this life and in all levels of life we human souls go through. 

Accepting love is harder than we think for many of us. It is a universal ailment and we are suffering from it. We erect barriers between us and the universe including its inhabitants and we stand with force to push, hurt, and attack to sustain this separation. It is a cycle that would not be broken without some risk, yet, in the heart of this risk is life itself, without love, inside and out, we are dying, not as bodies only but as souls.

Here is an exercise that helps you to open up:

Take a day for yourself. Not a weekend day but a working day when everything is quite around you.

Find a quite room or place in your home. Light a candle or two. Put some wonderful essence you like, wear comfortable loose cloths. be sure the room temperature and air is optimal for you.

Put a awakening music or Zen music or any music or sound you like (if you do not like the miracle and gift of music, them use nature sounds).

Now, without thinking try to stretch and take your body in any posture that tense and relax your muscles. Do not worry about time. Be sure you are away from any edges or hurtful objects and you have a mat or a comfortable ground beneath you, solid ground not a mattress.

Let go of any thoughts, any worries, any doubts, any hurts. Just let go. When thoughts come to you, watch them and let them go. If it helps you to ask them to leave you in peace, then do, mentally of course.

Now, feel your heart, feel your body, feel the life energy within you.

If you feel it weak, then it is fine.

 Breath in now, deeply, take as much air in and hold it for a 10 seconds.

Breath it out from your mouth and imagine as if the hurt, pain, worry and all doubts are leaving you, leaving your heart, with your exhale.

Do this as long as you want.

You will feel love coming at some point and engulfing you. It is your self love and all the love that is stored within you is embracing you.

You will feel a joy, a freedom.

If you do this every day and you will because it feels so wonderful, life will permeates you bit by bit.

Your energy and life force will start becoming stronger.

Send loving thoughts to the universe, loved ones and yourself when you are done or towards the end.

Embrace yourself now.

We are pure joy, pure love, if we just allow ourselves to be.


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