On letting go as a practice of love

When a relationship ends or when a period of struggle and suffering ends, a great practice that is called letting go is due. Letting go, though may seem to be self explanatory, it may benefit us to spell what it means.

Letting go has the following intentions and acts within;

  • To accept that we did everything that can be done to save the relationship, that we have no guilt within and that we are accepting this ending as something inevitable and none reversible.
  • To be compassionate to ourselves and to them. Letting go means forgiveness. If we blame them for our hurts we will continue suffering. We should try to understand that endings come because of many reasons, that our lives and energies were so entwined that any action or reaction fill in a place in a chain where we also were part of that action or reaction formation.The only way to escape the hurt and grief is to forgive and be compassionate to yourself and them.
  • Accept the pain and grief as a natural part of the process without transferring it to other parties within your life. 
  • Accept the ending as a natural part of the cycle of life. Endings allow for new beginnings. It is not a failure, it is a chance to allow yourself and them to find a place of peace and with time of love.
  • To accept that it is for the good of both parties and that it is not done for spite, manipulation or hurt and that it is a true parting aimed to free them and ourselves to seek growth and happiness.
  •  To stop all thoughts and actions to bring them back. It is fine to send love, to accept good wishes and alike, though it is a good practice to refrain from all contacts until we and them have moved on.
  •  To send to the universe the intention of letting go.
  • To start taking care of ourselves, refrain from conscious thinking of the past. It is fine if memories intrude but we should not invite those memories or indulge in them.
  • To get busy and start building a new and separate life.
  • When enough time has passed, to allow ourselves to accept love and move towards love.

Letting go is probably the best gift we can give those we love and ourselves. 


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