Pain, a medication for the soul
We tend to think of pain as a destructive power. In reality, in times of pain and extreme pain at that, our soul opens, seeing the truth of who we are and what life is about much better. Pain is not a dark place. It is an intense existence where we are cut into a million pieces and melted on fire. It purifies our thoughts to a point where we can finally meet with our true self. It is an amazing discovery of the self that is rare and quite precious. Pain links us and bonds us with the human experience as whole. It joins us with humanity and makes us feel not quite alone in rather a strange and contradictory way. In pain, a sense of being one with those who suffered or suffering is present, this sense nullifies our isolation and opens us to a sea of "others", their lives, hopes, dreams and worries, making us more human. Pain is the fire that purifies our metal. In the book "The Year of Magical Thinking" written by Joan Didion about her grief after the sudden p...