
Showing posts from May, 2013

Pain, a medication for the soul

We tend to think of pain as a destructive power. In reality, in times of pain and extreme pain at that, our soul opens, seeing the truth of who we are and what life is about much better. Pain is not a dark place. It is an intense existence where we are cut into a million pieces and melted on fire. It purifies our thoughts to a point where we can finally meet with our true self. It is an amazing discovery of the self that is rare and quite precious. Pain links us and bonds us with the human experience as whole. It joins us with humanity and makes us feel not quite alone in rather a strange and contradictory way. In pain, a sense of being one with those who suffered or suffering is present, this sense nullifies our isolation and opens us to a sea of "others",  their lives, hopes, dreams and worries, making us more human. Pain is the fire that purifies our metal. In the book "The Year of Magical Thinking" written by Joan Didion about her grief after the sudden p...

Change is a solitary journey

Love is about nurturing. It is about healing too but one cannot heal if they are not whole themselves.  People in general (except those who are addicted on fixing what is broken) tend to want to be in a relationship  with people who have good habits and stable personalities, with sound values. Not only such union can provide true happiness, but to a significant extent, it can greatly help in adopting a sound stable and healthy life style.  Knowing all of this, one should not attempt to fix others. Love has great healing powers but only if  the desire to change is emerging from within the person and not from us. Working on oneself and improving one’s life then becomes a solitary project.  Letting go of unhealthy attachments and habits, behavioral patterns and issues are one's own responsibility and truthfully no one can assist them in it without an invitation. Our partners may want to help, advice, and encourage, but much pain and hassle will stem fr...

Why filling our lives with “things” cannot make us happy

Do you ever ask yourself when you go for a purchase why you buy a certain item? Have you noticed that you buy items you do not need? Items on impulse? Items you have similar ones to them that you can still use? Do you purchase new items because others you know have them though none essential to you or you do not really need them or even want them if otherwise? Filling our homes with junk becomes a pandemic. We only notice such thing when we move from one place to the next. We suddenly find the amazing shoes we thought we lost, or the bag, camera, or that great CD we have not seen for ages. Many amazing "finds" that were tucked in our upper closet compartment in some forgotten old box. We also find items we cannot conceive why we bought them in the first place. If we turn our shopping time to a conscious experience by checking what we have first, keeping things in prospective and having a list of what we truly need, not only our financials will be healthier but our ...

The "if..then I will be happy" syndrome

We feel sad sometimes for one reason or another or because life is not responding to our dreams and what we want. We think of the future and we hope there would be a moment of relief, of happiness and true joy.  We ask ourselves if we would feel truly happy one day and we look into some distant future where our wishes would materialize and with them happiness and fulfillment. The truth is that the only moment we truly own, we truly guarantee and we truly know we would ever live is the one we have now.  The past no longer exists, the future does not exist yet and the only real existence is the current moment we are living. So why waste it in sadness and hoping when we can make it full, happy and joyful now?  You are asking how? I believe we can do this through the wonderful gift of acceptance.  Acceptance is a great gift to find ourselves and our inner joy within this moment. Acceptance is a powerful tool. It is a triumph over self pity an...

The Alchemist of Happiness

The Alchemist of Happiness This is a story of a man's journey to find a way to know the truth like no other. Was he successful and what did he find?

Why miracles are not a departure of the natural law

We tend to think of miracles as an occurrence that is out of natural law. It is therefore an occurrence that is rejected by those who uphold reason as the highest authority in all matters.  Miracles are viewed by many as symbolic presentation of something else and to others as mere fairy tales and folks stories that were carried through the ages from times before mixed with dreams and hopes of those humans of lesser intellectual faculties. We also think of the time of miracles as an ancient age that was only possible because of its affinity to such tales. All these conceptions are far from the truth. Miracles are not a departure of natural law. Miracles are in the heart of how the law works. We know now that the entire universe and all the matter in it is in essence a condescend form of energy. That it is the various forms of this energy that molds into all the elements and the shapes and forms we see around us. We know also that we, ourselves, are a fo...

How finding the light can bring joy to our relationships

One needs to be content and happy with oneself in order to be able to be happy with someone else. Happiness cannot be found in a better or more complete and stable way than through finding our spiritual truth.  When we understand the various principles that govern life and all its success and failures, we will feel that fear; greed, envy, competition and being needy are no longer part of our lives or psychological composition.  The peace and harmony that emanates from within will touch everyone and everything around us making our lives more receptive to love and kindness. Finding our own light within will make us loving being, patient and forgiving. It becomes easier to see why our partners act in a certain way and where does it come from. This insight is a gift that an enlightened heart can see with. We will feel compassion even in stressful moments of lost communication. This kindness and compassion will assist us to find common grounds and bridge our differences. ...

Many paths, one truth: Why all sources of knowledge need to be respected

Many people in our modern world and especially in the west are scared of religion. Some religious history is full of atrocities that made many scared of it that any good that may such ancient knowledge bring is forfeit for the sake of avoiding its perceived evils.  What we all miss in such modern views is that religion is an ancient system that has a lot of energy invested in it and as such it is quite powerful. All powerful systems can be used for the good and bad. All ancient systems and paths have so many doors that lead us to the truth. Once I explained to a friend that if religion is a house with a gate and a front yard, many would stand just at the gate, many would go at just the inside of it and fewer will be at the front yard all their lives. Only few will go into the house and yet fewer will reach the upper floor. When people follow the rituals and join their community in their religious gatherings, this is like being at the gate of the house. When people ...
Life is like a bare cold landscape, only love and compassion can make it green. 

When the end becomes the means

When people approach spirituality, they approach it as a tool. Spirituality of today’s world resembles the use of yesterdays' gods, a product of consumption for the benefit of achieving worldly goals. People want to know how to use spirituality to make more money, to find their soul mate or to acquire powers to control the rest of their fellow humans.   It is said that magick was a heavenly science that descended on mortals for a reason other than what mortals ended up using it for. Instead of seeing in this powerful tool a way to know God and apply His licenses in helping their fellow humans, they used it to acquire powers of their own to force others into submission. In this case it was like using an atomic bomb to open a street block. It destroyed the souls of those who used it.  This is just an example of God’s grace and human misuse of it. These posts will not touch on subjects of magick nor does it consider it a path for enlightenment. It was a test that hum...

Why the truth seems hard to accept?

The truth is everywhere; it will be presented to you through one million angles and in every form and flavor. It will look you in the eye, howl to you, and even beg you to see it. In spite of all its persistence many will still pass it by and ignore it. I am not saying they will not see it or recognize it, I am saying ignore it. It is easy to recognize the truth as it is ingrained in our souls. The thing that is becoming harder and harder for us is to embrace it. But why is that? The reason why we keep running from it is simply because it contradicts our conditioning of what life is all about. This simple and deep knowledge of what truly makes sense and of our true purpose of why we are on Earth is strongly against all that we learned about what makes us happy in this life. We are living in a material world that strongly emphasis the value of material ownership and power. Imagining that happiness and wholesome lives can exist without power or a material gain is quit...