When the end becomes the means

When people approach spirituality, they approach it as a tool. Spirituality of today’s world resembles the use of yesterdays' gods, a product of consumption for the benefit of achieving worldly goals. People want to know how to use spirituality to make more money, to find their soul mate or to acquire powers to control the rest of their fellow humans.  

It is said that magick was a heavenly science that descended on mortals for a reason other than what mortals ended up using it for. Instead of seeing in this powerful tool a way to know God and apply His licenses in helping their fellow humans, they used it to acquire powers of their own to force others into submission. In this case it was like using an atomic bomb to open a street block. It destroyed the souls of those who used it. 

This is just an example of God’s grace and human misuse of it. These posts will not touch on subjects of magick nor does it consider it a path for enlightenment. It was a test that humanity, as in any handling of power, failed. 

Back to the path...

Though the spiritual path will provide us with abundance, health and peace, these are welcome side effects. One needs to be ready to accept that the real aim is the joy in being complete and one with the truth; the joy of being in the love of God. If this is the aim then all other will diminish and true happiness can be experienced directly and without necessary means of wealth or power.

True spiritual seekers shun distractions and look at them as plagues that they need to run from and avoid at all costs. The joy of spiritual fulfillment is described as a treasure that if kings would know about it they would fight the enlightened to gain it with swords.  Prophets of ancient religions promised those who fill their life with God and the knowledge of Him that God will take care of their feeding and sheltering; that worrying about sustenance is only for those with weak faith.

True to many reports and stories from the past until our current days that those who dedicate themselves to enlightenment find a life where they do not need to worry about those basic needs.

Unless one is hungry for power, control and finding joy in others' submission and misery, there is no need that is not going to be sustained including the need for love, and compassion. 


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