Showing posts from November, 2013
On stillness
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We know that our minds are our torturers. It is the reason humans used all sorts of drugs to numb the mind. The mind creates negative emotions through negative reasoning, perception and imagination (thoughts). There is a simpler way for the pain produced by thoughts to be cleared, it is to discipline the mind, to tone it like we work to tone our bodies. To gain the ability to "shut the chatter up" in one's head so he or she can experience the peace and clarity of stillness, of a peaceful being. Once we realize that we have the power to "switch off' the emotional irritation or pain, then we are liberated. Try focusing on your breathing even for one minute every hour or two and see the difference of "not thinking" even for that short period of time.
On the perception of love
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If we perceive of everything around us, everything people say or do from a loving point of view, how the world will look or feel? Is that what Rumi meant? Love is the fabric of Universe and the light and the source and it is us as well if we only allow it to be and accept our true nature behind the veil.
On happiness and acceptance
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Happiness is to accept what it is. When we do we become one with the flow of reality and of life. We do this through becoming present, through the realization there is no self but there is a flow and in this flow we exist in a single moment at a time and as such we have the ability to shift and move with that moment. Everything else is an illusion, a construct of the mind.
The mind construct and happiness
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Here is the simplest truth of all relationships and it is the most overlooked. No one is really out there; everyone is just a prop in our life story. There is no way we can know a person truly the way we relate to the world, ourselves and them right now, so we construct people and we relate to them through our own construct or illusion. If people acted in a way inconsistent with our construct they are threatening our false self and we need either to control them or to discard them. Since people are not the construct we made them to be in our minds, they do often deviate from the artificial construct and act themselves so we often have struggles, conflict and we ‘fail in our relationships. We hear ourselves saying things like “I truly did not know who she was” or “he lied to me, he is not the man I knew” while these statements seem quite familiar to us and reasonable, the truth we never accept people as they are, we never actually look at them as humans who are changeable, de...
On happiness and love and living now
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Here is a simple epiphany. Women and men go around looking for love and happiness in another person. The truth is happiness is not about anyone else, it comes from within, from the way we perceive the world, from "our story" the one we construct about ourselves and everyone around us. If we realize this magical river that carries us and we only exist at this part of it, this single moment, not the one before nor the one after because both do not really exist except in our minds. If we understand that we will start exhausting joy, calm and peace. This is a great magnate of the whole universe. A universe that is impoverished to that eternity within you, around you, because you are already in heaven. This happiness that is already within you and exuding from you will attract likewise vibrations and more and more happiness will be attracted to you. People are not attracted to a certain look or wealth or anything outside of you. The only reason people seek these outer ...
A letter from Heaven
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What if your true happiness is not conditioned on anything? Not on a career you want to achieve, a study to finish, a person to be with, a place to be at or a certain amount of money in the bank? What if your happiness can be achieved by learning a simple method, that you can practice anywhere and any time at no cost to you, not even the cost of time?! I discovered this after working on myself for only ten days. I decided I had nothing to lose after my pattern of thinking caused me and others so much pain. I was already tired of myself, of the hurt I felt and of the hurt I inflected. I decided something needed to change. One day, I came home from watching the movie "Elysium" and while checking for the trailer I discovered a piece of music called "Awakening" by Jo Blankenburg, a composer for motion pictures I have never heard of before. I listened and his music took me to a sleep that I never experienced since I was a child. I slept and woke up at 5:30am. ...
Let go and live in the now
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I have been working with Eckhart Tolle's method for a while now. Tolle's method is simple; stay here and now and keep all your thoughts here and now and about this specific moment. Look around you and enjoy the moment, every moment. I want to illustrate by using a real life example. Not only I am experiencing a new way to exist, I am at awe and loss why I never knew about this "heaven" before?! Why people do not know about this instinctively?! Why we use our minds to torture ourselves everyday when we have a real paradise available to us so easily to tap on? What I experienced is simply the calmest most amazing sense of being where everything around you is suddenly much more beautiful than you ever thought, you just never noticed because you were hiding in your head. let us start from this, here is an amazing discovery; reality does not exist in the past or the future including the moment that just passed or the one that is coming next. Reality only exits in ...
On seeing without eyes
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We come to this life blind, not just as newborns who cannot see well but also as humans who have a blindfold called the ego, the form and all the illusions attached to it. It is our spiritual challenge and task to see with that blindfold on our eyes by finding the true light within so we never need anymore to see with those eyes.
Romantic love as a construct of the ego
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Love is love. The essence of love is the same and one. The difference between this love and that love is a creation of the ego. Romantic love is an ego construct with projections of the self. Therefore, it is the least possibly lasting love. In truth, it is by definition a none lasting construct since all ego creations are form creations and form creations are transit by nature, changeable by nature and cannot be lasting. Before going farther, let me explain that when we hear about lasting relationships that are romantic in nature we overlook one of two possibilities; one is that the relationship has a strong spiritual or soul component that supports as a strong foundation a romantic thin construct, the second is that the it is something that exists in the imagination as in art form. If we recall that ego constructs are pure illusions, a projection not a reality, we will understand that in romantic love we do not see the other person at all, we see the projection. If one is n...
A glimpse into the infinite
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A while ago, sadly I cannot even pin point the time when it happened I had this glimpse of eternity, of the infinite. I recall, vaguely, that I understood in my heart everything. I saw in no uncertainty that there is God and life after death as simply a heart felt comprehension beyond logic, doubt, words or arguments. What saddens me is that I cannot recall much. I cannot recall when or where or why; as if my memory was wiped but I recall one thing, the way it felt though even this not quite clear. I know I was awake not asleep, I know it was powerful and clear and real. I had a sense of peace and continuity of it for a while but somehow, probably because I did not honer that personal miracle, it simply took the owe and the realization and left. I mourn it and I feel very sad I cannot recall the details of it. I think we all have those moments of glimpsing into the truth. It feels like your heart opens and then suddenly there are no words at all or mental comprehension, it is p...
My six days in Heaven
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I believe I am in my 6th day of total presence in the now or in the moment. It was a struggle but with each hour passing it became easier and easier, and then came calm and peace and a sense of joy. Insights and beautiful experiences appear ing, feeling people energy as positive and seeing the best in them. No sense of a past or of a future which lead to a very strange feeling of none defined total being (have no words to explain it, sorry). Is this part of what mystics used to say that if kings knew about it they would fight them on it with swords to get it?! My routine included meditation, listening to spiritual teaching and yoga. Watching my thoughts and holding any that may arise towards yesterday or tomorrow. I was still functional doing my usual but with calm and certain detachment. A profound experience I hope I can hold onto it endlessly.
On detached compassion
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If we use only thought forms to understand and deal with our problems, thoughts and analysis will engulf us and only cause us suffering. How to get it then? We have to use stillness, letting go and acceptance to open our hearts to understand our situations and who we are, why we do what we do. In the end, if we are whole and complete we would "want" nothing from anyone, "need" nothing from anyone but we also can provide compassion, love and care and refrain from hurting. This would produce a healthy balanced companionship. Happiness is a shared pool of existence where we both contribute but we are both whole, happy and content with or without the other. Finally, relationships are not meant to dissolve one person into another, as romantic as this may sound, a true happy companionship is a whole in two and a whole in one.
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Spiritual awakening can happen over night. You can just feel it and leap. Once you did you are filled with peace, and a calm joy. You will feel as if everything makes sense and you will suddenly have this clarity about why people do or say something and you will have no reaction to it. You are not just observing others in a detached form but you are doing this to yourself. You are watching your re actions, your feelings and your words as if it were someone's else and you can stop that someone else from dragging you to negativity. You would want to stay in this balanced state forever and nothing would be more fulfilling, nothing. Meditate, meditate, meditate. Nothing will bring there better than this and the stillness within it creates that open you to the soul where peace and quite exists. I also noticed your other questions including work, business and other will be worked at somehow by the time your out of your "zen" state as if some higher mind ...
Be happy as one
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Many of us believe deeply that to be happy, they need to have this person, or "the one"! I saw my dear friend today happy because she has this person whom she likes in her life. It is human to feel like that. It took me a long time and lots of hurt and leaning to arrive at this simple conclusion; if we base our happiness on someone else then we are putting a huge burden on them that they will never be able to live up to. Anyone who will be with us no matter how idealistic we will think of them, will make mistakes, hurt us sometimes, become angry sometimes, selfish sometimes and so on. They are human. Create your own full, whole being and life. Work on yourself where you feel happy and at peace on your own. Watch the ego and its demands, expectations, worries and leaping to the future to create fear of abandonment or falling back in the past where it project from painful experiences. The only real time that exist is now, so stay in it. Enjoy it with or w...
The melody of faith
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When love brings us only hurt and pain When everything we do is lost in vain When we need to learn how to trust again We want to run and stay alone We want to find our way back home We hoped love to make strong of what was weak To hold our hands to the answers we seek We need to learn how to love once more How the heart can open its closed door How to be kind and patient and see through The true love within and the love that is new How to allow miracles when they are due In the gentle sadness of dawns and nights In that solitude and calm and the peaceful quite We hear our soul whispers to our heart Love is a lesson we learn and learn again Nothing if we trust is lost in vain
About grief and survival
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When I was five my grandmother passed away. I loved her so much and we used to spend lots of time together as she lived with us. She used to babysit me when my mother was away and rock me to sleep with her magical stories. I still recall how my cousin took me to get some juice and a sandwich from the hospital to come back and find my mother devastated in her calm dignified way. It took me a while to understand she passed away and no longer she would come back with us home as my mother kept saying. My mother later and for years talked about my grandmothers with vivid recalling of the moment my grandmother passed away in her arms, she would say in utter pain the years failed to dim " she was talking to me, then she said "oh" one last suffocated short cry, and she was gone". I didn't see my grandmother after we came back to the hospital due to tradition of burial. My uncle who was very close to us passed away three years later and my mot...
What matters when we are looking for love
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The only compatibility that truly matters in a relationship is the compatibility on the level of spiritual awakening. Not only it defines our views on life and beyond but it also defines how we approach the important turns and decisions wit hin our couple-hood, how we accept and give love, how we let go of grudges and forgive, how we deal with life and how generous we give of ourselves. It simply defines everything that matters.
On letting go as a practice of love
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When a relationship ends or when a period of struggle and suffering ends, a great practice that is called letting go is due. Letting go, though may seem to be self explanatory, it may benefit us to spell what it means. Letting go has the following intentions and acts within; To accept that we did everything that can be done to save the relationship, that we have no guilt within and that we are accepting this ending as something inevitable and none reversible. To be compassionate to ourselves and to them. Letting go means forgiveness. If we blame them for our hurts we will continue suffering. We should try to understand that endings come because of many reasons, that our lives and energies were so entwined that any action or reaction fill in a place in a chain where we also were part of that action or reaction formation.The only way to escape the hurt and grief is to forgive and be compassionate to yourself and them. Accept the pain ...
On hurt and hurting
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If someone hurts you, just know they are hurting themselves, hurt breeds hurt. You might think you love them or is good for them but maybe your very act of love hurts them in ways you may never understand. Maybe they hurt because of their own resistance to accept what has passed in their lives and their unwillingness to forgive themselves or others. Whatever it is, keep sending love, let go and move on. Allow them the freedom that is their right to choose, to grow and to find their path. Sometimes we feel someone is our rescue mission while we are just hindering them and ourselves from moving forward.
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The first time I heard the term "forgive yourself" I felt like I was hearing a language I do not understand. I did not get how forgiving our own mistakes for ourselves can be a good thing. I came from a culture that praises regret and blaming the self (and others, the whole world if possible including strangers and far away countries and the weather and anything one can think of), encourages hurting emotionally and lashing on oneself. A culture that rejoices in tales of the awakened who died of deep sorrow over their sins. We believe that tears of regrets wash our sins and bring us God forgiveness, so how come forgiving oneself can be any good, should not we torture ourselves instead in order to achieve purity? It took me years to understand. While regret is expected and feeling hurt for hurting someone or cause them pain is quite a normal and a good thing, what is wrong is to continue weakening yourself by lashing and lashing on yourself, by ref using ...
The tenants of happiness
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Do not fear life, love, happiness and the possibilities that resides within tomorrow. We all die and it does not get uncertain or scarier than that so we are functionally equipped to sustain lesser uncertainties. Do not blame anyone for your choices, own them, make them, discard them and learn and move on. Be happy, happiness is a choice. We can be happy by just deciding to be, believe it or not it is in our hands. You can go high on endorphins through moving your body and getting to know it again. Practice embracing yourself, its magical. Allow yourself to fall in love with you. You are wonderful, lovable, beautiful and simply amazing. Enjoy your own company, be friends with yourself, be honest and kind and gentle and caring for yourself, forgive yourself and do not allow yourself to be in harm ways, to be abused or used or sacrificed on the altar of illusions. Love does not hurt, what hurts is the pains stored through our resistance to...